Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Mini-Vacation....

It's always fun to take mini-vacations. And I'm sure you can guess by the pictures below where we went??

Yep......Dinosaur Land in Vernal, Utah. I think the last time we were there was about 14 years ago when the kids were all little. I need to find some of those pictures we took and post them.

We always make sure that where ever we stay there is a POOL!
I love it when they advertise a "Heated Pool" and the water is ice cold......why don't they just say "Heated (by the sun) Pool"? Then people will know it's gonna be a little cold!
For some reason it never seems to bother Erin. But poor old Dad (Bruce) ....well lets just say he is a trooper!

We took a ride around town, and found the Vernal Temple. It looks just like a church, with the Angel Moroni on top. I love how no two temples are exaclty the same. They are all unique in there own way.

We rented a small (very very small) cabin. The best part about the cabin was that it had a swing on the front porch....YEAH!
It was someones favorite spot to sit. She even watched a movie on her DVD player while sitting there.

You can't go to Vernal and not take a ride up to Flaming Gorge. It was absolutely beautiful up there. We rode over to Dutch John & then over to Manila.

I don't think you can take a bad picture of the lake. I couldn't believe how many boaters were on the lake. We didn't see to much wildlife. I think a squirrel ran across the rode once.
It was a great trip. And lots of Fun.

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