Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Kai and something to Eat.....

When we re-modeled the kitchen we got a new refridgerator, where the fridge is on top and freezer on bottom. The old one was just the opposite with the fridge on the bottom. This worked great for Mckai cuz he could open the old one and get what ever snack he needed. But the new one is a bit of a challenge.

But he quickly came up with a solution.... All he needs is someone to give him a boost!
Notice grandma's hand to the left. This is Kai's safety gear. You can't go climbing without it.

He was looking for something very specific...."hmmm let me see" I was calling out suggestions, but he was looking for just the right snack!

I believe on this climb he decided on the ever delicious "pickle" oh ya and a "Diet Pepsi" with ice. I just LOVE this boy.
P.S. Yep I'm the grandma, and he gets to do pretty much whatever he wants....within reason of course. We now have a stool he can use to get his snack from the fridge.

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