Monday, September 13, 2010

Down South

We headed down south last week.

Heres a clue of where we were.

We stayed at a great place, Highland estates. I liked it because first of all it was inexpensive (y'all know how frugal I can be. My boys call it "cheap") and second it had a kitchen.

We did a little bowling, Bruce found out its much easier on the WII!

In between Erin's turn at bowling she had to come sit on my lap, not sure why.

Erin was so cute bowling, we tried to find the lightest ball we could. She was so good at getting her own ball and throwing (actually it was more like dropping) it down the lane.

Then we headed over to Zions, believe it or not I had never been there.
We came across this long horn, and I knew I had to get a picture of it for Kai. I think he has every bull, cow, & steer that Cal Ranch sells.

When we got to Zions it was awesome. I think Utah has some of the most beautiful Canyons, Mountains, and Parks around. Unfortunately we picked the wrong time to come. They were repaving and widening the canyon. So there was alot of stopping, alot of flag men, and alot of pilot cars.

But the scenery was beautiful, and since we seemed to be stopped most of the time, once again I took way to many pictures.

This is the only thing that freaked me out literally. A mile long tunnel. Now normally I'm fine with tunnels because they are usually short and you are going fast through them. But this one we had to follow a pilot car, and it was only going 5 miles an hour, through a MILE LONG TUNNEL! Enough said.

Once again it was a great road trip.

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