Saturday, May 2, 2009

Antelope Island

We took a drive to Antelope Island the other day. It's another one of those Utah Places I have not been to. Bruce and the boys have been a couple of times with Young Mens & with scouts. But Me I have never been. I highly reccomend it, it was a great place. We went before the brine flies could "bug" us.

Of course there are the Antelopes. Believe me they are there, they just blend in really well.

And you have to stop at the Visitors Center, it has all the info about the Island. And you need to stop and take pictures by all the "fake" Bison.

I think everyone comes to Antelope Island to see all the wildlife and that includes the Buffalo.

The Scenery was awesome, and again I took way to many pictures. Thats what happens when you have a new digital camera.
Its hard to believe we still have tons of snow in the mountains.


Rosenberg Family said...

I hadn't been to Antelope Island until last summer! It is really pretty. You should drive out for the sunset's absolutely gorgeous! I like the background you chose for your blog-very cute!

Susan Brady said...

I love Antelope Island, It doesn't even have lake stink out there. and the brine fly really are bad later in the season. you can have a fun day playing in the water on a warm summer day.