With Erin it's a liitle different especially since she goes out to Salt Lake Community College. It is such a huge campus, not at all like a High School, so my pessimistic self goes into fear overload on all the "what if's" Plus all of her transportation is the dreaded "Public Transportation" which consists of buses and trax. I say dreaded because I used it for 2 years when I worked in the Adult Transition Program. Lets just say it was scary at times.
Last year Erin started out great, we signed her up for an Institute class, a gym class, and she went to the library for some computer time. She did wonderful the first month, then all of the sudden she didn't want to go. So being the awesome mom that I am (ha ha) I let her stay home, and she only went occasionally.
This year we are going to do better, because Erin needs to get out and socialize, and this MOM needs a break.
Her schedule is a little different this year, she starts later in the morning. I take her to her first class, then she takes a bus and trax home at the end of the school day.
They said she had a great day. Whew one day down, and 9 months to go!