Sunday, December 28, 2008

Santa Made It......

Hoping you all had a wonderful Christmas.....

We had a Great Christmas Here...

We had everyone here Christmas morning for breakfast including "Grandpa Lynn" We thought it would be easier to have breakfast, that way everyone had the rest of the day to visit family or just go home and take a snooze...
Bruce got the BEST gift.....Tools all in one case. No more looking all over for tools. He also got a sander, and a gift card.

Nathan, Emily, Erin, & Jason waiting for their next present.

Amanda & Brandon.....we couldn't get Mckai to sit still long enough to take a family picture, he was to busy with his toys.

Nathan & Emily

Erin opened a new Helmut for her four wheeler rides with Dad. The old one was getting to small. And this one should cut down on all the dust that Erin gets all over her face.

YEAH.....It fits. She has been so excited about it. She sleeps with it every night.

A new Trike for Mckai.....although he calls it a motorcycle. He also got a spiderman helmut.

Good thing uncle Jason was there to guide him around and show him how to use the pedals.
I just love Christmas... Happy New Year to All!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Lights and Dinner

Every Year for Christmas we go see the Temple Lights and go out to dinner. This year was no exception.

We went to dinner first. We go to the same place every year .....Sizzler!

When we got there the table had a present on it. When Mckai saw that it didn't have a bottom to it, he made a hat out of it, and wore it most of the night.

Mckai is starting to become a little bit of a ham for the camera.....(Which Grandma MaryAnn loves)

Brandon and Mandy

Emily & Nathan

Erin & Jason

I love the Temple at night....the lights are so pretty. There is just one litte secret about this year and going to see the Christmas lights........

We ...(ok, just Me)... were to cold to get out and walk through the temple to look at the lights! So we drove around the Temple to see the lights, and I must say it was so nice and warm inside the truck, that I do believe the Temple lights never looked better!
We also went to the Vine Street house to watch and listen to their display.
I think next year we will go see the lights on the day after Thanksgiving, that way it might be a little bit warmer.
Hoping Everyone has a Very Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Re-doing the Kitchen...

We are finally geting around to getting the Kitchen done. We saved it for last, that and we couldn't work in the yard anymore, cuz it was getting cold. So the yard will have to wait till next spring. But YES the kitchen is getting a HUGE facelift.

Heres how the Kitchen looked before we started tearing it out. Just not quite enough cabinets to put all my junk in.

The top cabinets came out really quick. It helped to have "Mr. Brawn" (aka Nathan) here to help tear it out, I think it took all of ten minutes

The bottom cabinets however were a different story. We literally had to take it apart piece by peice.....those cabinets were in there for life and all eternity!! And the countertops were the same. The next time I do a kitchen (which will be next to never) I will seriously consider laminate, that stuff is really durable and dang near impossible to pull out.

Finally everything is out, and ready for the cabinet guy to get started. And yes that is a bucket under the taps. We have always had a small leak under the sink, from the time we moved in. But when we took the sink out, it became a gusher, and made a huge puddle (lake) in the basement! My favorite saying when something goes wrong is " No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" And I have said it almost everyday since we started this project.

UPDATE: We are nearing the end of the remodel project, the microwave and stove are the last to be put in which (crossing my fingers) should be today or tomorrow.....YEAH! I wont be posting pictures of the new kitchen, for awhile anyway ...that way you will have to come by and see it.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Thanks for putting up with me all these years. You are such a great husband and father. I love you TONS!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas Tree

I don't think we have ever put up our christmas tree in November. But this year we did.

We bought a new one with lights allready on it (boy those suckers are expensive) anyway, we got it all put together and found 4 branches where the lights didn't work....soooooo frustrating! After a 1/2 hour of trying to fix it we decided to just put alot of ornaments in that area, and hope no one notices.

Erin is such a cutie she loves putting ornaments on the treee. She would stand back after each ornament and say "cute tree" I love it!

She was such a big help we couldn't have done it without her, she made it so much fun.

Finally all for the rest of the decorating.